Department of Gastronomy and Culinary Arts

Establishment Date: 1986

General Information About the Department: The Department of Gastronomy and Culinary Arts at Akdeniz University commenced its academic journey in the fall semester of 2012-2013. The department is affiliated with the Faculty of Tourism at Akdeniz University. Courses within the program are conducted on the Akdeniz University Campus located in Konyaaltı, Antalya. The head of the program is Associate Prof. Dr. Adem ARMAN.

Department Learning Objectives:

To educate gastronomes who can compete internationally and are proficient in at least two languages.

To cultivate individuals who continuously explore innovations in the field of gastronomy, conduct research in the field, and have a strong command of the food and beverage sector.

To publish research results, both theoretical and practical, on a national and international level and to contribute to knowledge production for this purpose.

To cooperate with educational institutions of similar status, both nationally and internationally, to enhance the quality of education for students and to increase the knowledge level of faculty members.

To organize national and international meetings, seminars, and congresses on topics of interest to the industry and to participate actively, or as an observer, in meetings organized by other institutions.

To contribute to societal development by organizing open, continuous education programs and enabling the community to benefit from this educational potential.

To contribute to the sustainable development of gastronomy activities in the region.

Scientific and Professional Competencies:

Knowledge (Program Competencies): Structurally, the Department of Gastronomy and Culinary Arts at the Faculty of Tourism of Akdeniz University encompasses three main academic disciplines. These disciplines are gastronomy, tourism, and business administration.

Skills (Field Competencies): Students utilize appropriate methods and techniques to develop creative, critical, and scientific thinking, along with inquiry, research, and problem-solving skills. They also acquire proficiency in using professional technical knowledge required in the tourism sector (such as equipment usage, automation, computer programs, information systems).

Career/Employment Opportunities: Graduates can find employment opportunities in food and beverage businesses, tourism businesses, and other areas involving business administration in both the private and public sectors. Additionally, they can pursue academic career opportunities through further graduate education.

Transition to Higher Degree Programs: Students can apply for master's or doctoral programs at the Department of Gastronomy and Culinary Arts at the Institute of Social Sciences at Akdeniz University.


You can access the promotional video about the Department of Gastronomy and Culinary Arts by clicking on this link.

You can access the promotional video about Akdeniz University by clicking on this link.

Academic Staff


Eklenme tarihi :28.07.2023 11:11:52
Son güncelleme : 28.07.2023 11:18:20